
金沙赌场大学 Campus 资源



财政援助清单 | vcfinancialaid@vcccd.edu | (805) 289-6369

  • Receive assistance with applying for financial aid.
  • 优先注册 may be available for students under the age of 25, 谁没有固定, 常规的, 以及充足的住房.


基本需求画布 | vcbasicneeds@vcccd.edu | (805) 289-6583

  • Provide 食物 and other essential supplies to students through the VC食品储藏室.
  • CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps, federally knows as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP) can add to your 食物 budget by helping you put healthy and nutritious 食物 on the table.  点击这里 for more information and to see if you are eligible.
  • If you are a VC student in need of housing or a suitable place to live, complete the 房屋转介申请表格 并服从于 vcbasicneeds@vcccd.edu 或通过 画布页面.
  • Bus Transportation is available to 金沙赌场大学 students for 免费的.  VC 学生 are able to ride the bus by presenting their VC学生证.  Simply present your ID card and ride 免费的 anywhere the 金沙赌场 County Transportation Commission (VCTC) rides.  For up to the minute information and bus schedules visit goventura.org.  买不起风投学生证?  联系基本需求办公室.
  • Access to on campus shower facilities.
  • Access to mental health referrals and counseling with the VC学生健康中心.


了解更多信息, please contact 安妮特•埃尔南德斯, 金融援助 Specialist and 流浪学生联络, at (805) 289-6152 or annette_hernandez1@vcccd.edu.
